Monthly Fee Plans

Monthly Fee Plans for Online Quran and Arabic Classes

Select a Monthly Plan and Get Registered Now


8 Sessions/Month

means 2 days/week for

£ 30 per Month

30 Minutes/Live Session

Select Plan


12 Sessions/Month

means 3 days/week for

£ 38 per Month

30 Minutes/Live Session

16 Sessions/Month

means 4 days/week for

£ 50 per Month

30 Minutes/Live Session

20 Sessions/Month

means 5 days/week for

£ 58 per Month

30 Minutes/Live Session

8 Sessions/Month

means 2 days/week for

€ 35 per Month

30 Minutes/Live Session

12 Sessions/Month

means 3 days/week for

€ 45 per Month

30 Minutes/Live Session

16 Sessions/Month

means 4 days/week for

€ 59 per Month

30 Minutes/Live Session

20 Sessions/Month

means 5 days/week for

€ 68 per Month

30 Minutes/Live Session


  • Family Package: 10% Discount for Families.
  • Low-income Families: 10% Discount for those who can’t afford full fee

Customized Plan

  • Pay Per Class: If you don’t want to take a monthly plan, Pay £4 Per Class (30 Minutes)
  • Customized Plan: Contact us if you need a customized plan for your kids to meet your needs

Terms & Conditions for Monthly Packages:

Eid Holidays are included in the monthly fees and there is no refund for that.
There is no refund for missed classes during a month; however, you can take make-up classes for those days.
We believe in 1-on-1 sessions and never provide group sessions.
All fee plans are time based, not courses based.
Payment is charged after the Free Trials in advance on monthly basis.
If a student misses some classes during the month, still he or she has to pay for that days, but he/she can take make-up classes for the missed days.

Haven’t registered for

Free Trials Week yet?

It’s 100% FREE!