Refund Policy

QuranInstitute offers refund of full payment to all those students who get registered for online classes, paid the monthly subscription, but due to any reason couldn’t start the classes, no question will be asked at this stage. However once the classes are confirmed and the student started learning Online, he would not be able to get the refund of monthly payment, fully or partially.

If you have paid for 2 or 3 months, but took classes just for one month and you are not satisfied and want to cancel classes, you will be refunded your remaining amount.

If we failed to provide you a teacher or classes at your required time for any reason and you have paid the monthly fee for classes, then you will be refunded your money after deducting a small amount as refund fee.

If you want to get a leave for a month or more during your course, you have to inform us before starting of that month, but once you started classes during any moth, you would have pay monthly payment.

There is no refund for public holidays.